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TRNC Population and Demographic Change: Social and Economic Effects
The population of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is estimated to be approximately 382,230 as of 2023, while recent years have seen attention drawn to migration, education, and the increase in the young population. How are these demographic changes affecting the social structure and economic development of Northern Cyprus? Details about the contributions of educational investments to the population structure and the importance of social diversity.
25.12.24 - 12:03
The Meaning of the Minimum Wage Rising with the Third Increase in the TRNC
The minimum wage in the TRNC has increased for the third time in 2024, rising to a net 35,180 TL. Learn about the economic effects of this increase, its impact on workers' purchasing power, and the financial burden on employers. The process and results of determining the minimum wage, as stated by the Minister of Labor and Social Security.